Our writers have helped change over 30,000 careers.

With a specialized team of writers and advanced hiring technology, we have the insight to get your career to the next level.

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850+ 5-star reviews on Trustpilot

Quick, Responsive and Professional

I was very impressed by the quick turnaround and the professional manner in helping me update and rewrite my resume.

Professional Product

Professional, timely and just the help I needed.

Excellent customer service

Excellent customer service Made sure I was well satisfied

Personalized writer match

We’ll match you with the best writer for your goals

Our team has more than 100 professional resume writers. We'll match you with someone who has the experience and skill to get your resume ready for today's hiring challenges. We have resume writers catering to more than 65 industries today.

Start Now
Writer Profile: Trina Flores. 5 years of experience, 768 5-star reviews, design specialty.

Meet the ZipJob Team

Meet the zipjob team

With 12+ years of experience in Human Resources and 6 invaluable years helping clients achieve their resume goals, Jessica is a Senior Resume Writer specialized in Resume, Cover Letter, & LinkedIn optimization.  Well-versed in all trades, she pursues a love for HR business operations, specifically resume/pre-employment screening and people management.

Her expertise ranges from Entry-Level to CEO, with great success writing personal marketing documents for clients in highly-regulated sectors such as Product Sales, Healthcare, Military/Government, Non-Profit, and IT. When Jessica is not assisting her clients or internal corporate teams, she is painting, binge-watching her favorite shows, or gardening.

Jessica Yates, Senior Resume Writer

Professionally written resumes vs DIY resumes

200% more likely to get hired

Applicants with a professionally written resume are more likely to land a new job than people who write their own.

200% more interviews

Professional resumes earn more interviews than self-written resumes. We guarantee more interviews within 60 days.

7% more perceived value

Recruiters values candidates with professionally written resumes to be worth 7% more in terms of annual salary.

How We Help

Our resume writers know what it takes to get noticed

Recruiters and applicant tracking systems (ATS) are looking for polished resumes that highlight your value. Tell us your skills, experience, and achievements. We’ll do the rest.

  • Valued-focused

  • Tailored keywords

  • Data-driven

  • Professional template

  • Correct file type

  • ATS optimized

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